John Henry Asendorf in uniform The War Diary of John Henry Asendorf
The Story of a Pennsylvania Volunteer during the Spanish-American War in the Philippines and the Philippine American War

Roster - 10th Regiment, Company C, Pennsylvania Volunteers

Company C
  This person is mentioned in the diaryBIERER, Daniel M., Uniontown, Pa.
1st Lieutenant
  This person is mentioned in the diaryHOWARD, Charles H., Uniontown, Pa.
2d Lieutenant
  This person is mentioned in the diaryWOOD, Robert M., Uniontown, Pa.
1st Sergeant
  This person is mentioned in the diaryMARTIN, William, Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryEWING, Alec. A., Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryHAGAN, Samuel, Oliver, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryROCKWELL, Samuel N., Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diarySEMANS, Walter L., Dunbar, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryASHCRAFT, Charles W., Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryCOLLINS, Charles O., Uniontown, Pa.
  JENKINS, John, Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryKNOTTS, George B., Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryMcCANCH, Alexander, Oliver, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryTURLEY, John H., Oliver, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryBARNES, Elmer E., New Brighton, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryRIFFLE, Arthur C., Masontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryHANNAN, John, Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryASENDORF, John H., Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryBAIRD, James F., Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryBAIRD, John, Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryBARNES, John R., Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryBEATTY, Curtis, Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryBECKET, Alonzo, Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryBEIGHLEY, Sidney N., Uniontown, Pa.
  BELDING, William E., Haverstraw, N. Y.
  BEST, Paul K., Jeannette, Pa.
  BOST, William, Oliver, Pa.
  BOYLE, Charles E., Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryBRAIN, Frank, Uniontown, Pa.
  BROWN, George W., Confluence, Pa.
  BROWN, John C., Uniontown, Pa
  This person is mentioned in the diaryBRYSON, Melvin H., West Leisenring, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryBURKE, Charles E., Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryCHRISTOPHER, Frank G., McCleilandtown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryCOLLINS, John T., Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryCOLLINS, Walter E., Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryCOLLINS, William D., Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryCONN, George D., Washington, Pa.
  COOK, George, Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryCOYNER, Louis R., Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryCRABLE, William H., Juniataville, Pa.
  CRAFT, Frederick E., Brownsville, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryCUITE, Gilbert, Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryCULLUMS, Grant, Stockton, Cal.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryCURRY, John M., Laurel Hill, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryCURRY, Robert D., Laurel Hill, Pa.
  DANIELS, Rudolph B., Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryDAUGHERTY, Homer J., Fairchance, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryDE BOLT, Carl W., Uniontown, Pa.
  DE GARDEYN, Abraham, Jr., Point Marion, Pa.
  DEAN, John A., Oliver, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryDOWNS, Ralph W. E., Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryENGLEHART, W. M., Guseman, W. Va.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryFOX, Robert L., Tarrs, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryFRANKENBERRY, Joseph W., Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryGRIFFITH, Robert E., Greensburg, Pa.
  HADDOCK, William S., Pittsburg, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryHANLY, James E., Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryHANNAN, Max, Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryHERRINGTON, Charles E., Oliver, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryHOWARD, William N., Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryHUSTEAD, Frank H., Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryINSLEY, William W., Jeannette, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryJENNEWINE, Fred. M., Laurel Iron Works, W. Va.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryJOHNSON, Joseph P., Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryJOHNSON, Milbert, Point Marion, Pa.
  JONES, James G., Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryJONES, Thomas, Oliver, Pa.
  JONES, Thomas P., Ruble, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryKELLEY, Frank A., Tippecanoe, Pa.
  KELLY, Edward J., Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryKEMPER, Amon S., Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryKENNEDY, William H., Oliver, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryKERR, John P., Scottdale, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryKNIGHT, Daniel H., Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryLANDIS, Jacob, Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryLEWIS, Charles J., Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryLEWIS, William D., Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryLITTLE, William E., Uniontown, Pa.
  McCOLLUAGH, Edmund C., Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryMILLER, Benjamin F., Connellsville, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryMILLER, George R., Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryMILLER, George W., Uniontown, Pa.
  MILLER, Joseph H., Uniontown, Pa.
  MILLER, Marling C., Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryMURPHY, Jesse, Dawson, Pa
  O'NEIL, Charles W., Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryPLAYFORD, Charles, Uniontown, Pa.
  POPE, John A., Vanderbilt, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryRHODES, Thomas J., High House, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryRIDGEWAY, Joel, Laurel Iron Works, W. Va.
  ROCKWELL, Allen B., Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryRUSH, Ray, Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diarySCHROCK, Elmer E., Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diarySHANABENGER, Frank w., Uniontown, Pa.
  SHAW, John C., Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diarySPARKS, Ray L., Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diarySTUMM, Charles A., Smithfield. Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diarySULLIVAN, Frank, Uniontown, Pa.
  TRAINOR, Frank P., Oliver, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryTWIST, David, Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryUNDERWOOD, Leroy, Uniontown, Pa.
  WILLIAMS, Lewis C., Uniontown, Pa.
  WOOD, John W., Uniontown, Pa.
  This person is mentioned in the diaryWOODWARD, James W., Uniontown, Pa.
  WOODY, Grant, Uniontown, Pa.
  YOWLER, George S., Uniontown, Pa.

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Verbatim reproduction of this information, while liberally granted, is restricted to express written permission.